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因此,報告呼籲各國從慣行農業轉變為生態農業,以此來養活自己的國家,同時解決氣候和貧困的挑戰。 不用基因改造作物,不用化學肥料,小規模的生態方式栽種,十年內可以生產兩倍的食物給地球。 讓我們一起行動吧~ 以下是報告的原文~ NEWS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 8 March 2011 Eco-Farming Can Double Food Production in 10 Years, says new UN report GENEVA, 8 March 2011 – Small-scale farmers can double food production within 10 years in critical regions by using ecological methods, a new UN report* shows. Based on an extensive review of the recent scientific literature, the study calls for a fundamental shift towards agroecology as a way to boost food production and improve the situation of the poorest. “To feed 9 billion people in 2050, we urgently need to adopt the most efficient farming techniques available,” says Olivier De Schutter, UN Special Rapporteur on the right to food and author of the report. “Today’s scientific evidence demonstrates that agroecological methods outperform the use of chemical fertilizers in boosting food production where the hungry live -- especially in unfavorable environments.” Agroecology applies ecological science to the design of agricultural systems that can help put an end to food crises and address climate-change and poverty challenges. It enhances soils productivity and protects the crops against pests by relying on the natural environment such as beneficial trees, plants, animals and insects. “To date, agroecological projects have shown an average crop yield increase of 80% in 57 developing countries, with an average increase of 116% for all African projects,” De Schutter says. “Recent projects conducted in 20 African countries demonstrated a doubling of crop yields over a period of 3-10 years.” “Conventional farming relies on expensive inputs, fuels climate change and is not resilient to climatic shocks. It simply is not the best choice anymore today,” De Schutter stresses. “A large segment of the scientific community now acknowledges the positive impacts of agroecology on food production, poverty alleviation and climate change mitigation -- and this this is what is needed in a world of limited resources. Malawi, a country that launched a massive chemical fertilizer subsidy program a few years ago, is now implementing agroecology, benefiting more than 1.3 million of the poorest people, with maize yields increasing from 1 ton/ha to 2-3 tons/ha.” The report also points out that projects in Indonesia, Vietnam and Bangladesh recorded up to 92 % reduction in insecticide use for rice, leading to important savings for poor farmers. “Knowledge came to replace pesticides and fertilizers. This was a winning bet, and comparable results abound in other African, Asian and Latin American countries,” the independent expert notes. “The approach is also gaining ground in developed countries such as United States, Germany or France,” he said. “However, despite its impressive potential in realizing the right to food for all, agroecology is still insufficiently backed by ambitious public policies and consequently hardly goes beyond the experimental stage.” The report identifies a dozen of measures that States should implement to scale up agroecological practices. “Agroecology is a knowledge-intensive approach. It requires public policies supporting agricultural research and participative extension services,” De Schutter says. “States and donors have a key role to play here. Private companies will not invest time and money in practices that cannot be rewarded by patents and which don’t open markets for chemical products or improved seeds.” The Special Rapporteur on the right to food also urges States to support small-scale farmer’s organizations, which demonstrated a great ability to disseminate the best agroecological practices among their members. “Strengthening social organization proves to be as impactful as distributing fertilizers. Small-scale farmers and scientists can create innovative practices when they partner”, De Schutter explains. “We won’t solve hunger and stop climate change with industrial farming on large plantations. The solution lies in supporting small-scale farmers’ knowledge and experimentation, and in raising incomes of smallholders so as to contribute to rural development.” “If key stakeholders support the measures identified in the report, we can see a doubling of food production within 5 to 10 years in some regions where the hungry live,” De Schutter says. “Whether or not we will succeed this transition will depend on our ability to learn faster from recent innovations. We need to go fast if we want to avoid repeated food and climate disasters in the 21st century.” 以下是用google翻譯的~ 新闻发布 為直接發行 2011年3月8日 一個移動發展中國家農民生態農業,遠離化肥和 農藥,可能會增加一倍的糧食生產在十年內, 聯合國的一份報告說,. 昆蟲捕獲植物在肯尼亞和孟加拉國的鴨子吃雜草的水田是建議中的 例子為養活世界的7億人,而聯合國說,將成為 2050年達到 90億左右。 “農業正處在一個十字路口,”該研究由奧利維爾德舒特,聯合國 特別報告對食物權,在驅動器中記錄壓低糧食價格,避免了昂貴的 油依賴模型工業 農業. 到目前為止,生態養殖項目在57個國家表明平均作物產量收益的百分之八十方法通過利用自然 和保護對提高土壤害蟲,它說。 最近的項目 20個非洲國家造成了作物產量翻一番在3至10年。這些經驗可以在其他地方被廣泛模仿,它增加了。 “良好的生態農業可以 signficantly促進生產和長期更有效比傳統耕作,”德舒特說,步驟,例如多用自然堆肥或高冠層樹木遮蔭的咖啡園。 它也被認為“農 業生態學”可以使農場能夠更好地抵禦極端天氣與氣候條件變化,包括洪水,乾旱和海平面的上升,該報告說,已經使新鮮 水 海岸附近的一些太鹹,用作灌溉。 最大的好處將是“過少的地 區,當局已在努力為農業,特別是撒哈拉以南非洲地區,”他說。 “還有一個數字非常有前途的經驗拉丁美洲部分地區和部分亞洲。 “成本的糧食 生產一直非常密切關注石油的成本,”他說。在埃及和突尼斯動盪 已部分掛在糧價飛漲的不滿。石油價格每桶115美元左右週二。 “如果糧食價格不受到 控制,人口也無法養活自己...我們將有越來越多的國家被破壞和失敗的國家發展,”德舒特說。 成功的例子在非洲農業生態學包括數以千計的肯 尼亞農民種植誰昆蟲驅避山螞蝗或蝨三葉草,用作動物飼料,玉米等領域內保持距離,播種昆蟲破壞小塊狼尾草附近,分泌一種粘稠的口香糖陷阱害蟲。 該 研究還呼籲更好的研究,培訓和利用當地知識。 “農民田間學校”水稻種植者在印尼,越南和孟加拉國導致削減殺蟲劑使用35至百分之92,故稱。 德 舒特還建議在全球農業產出多樣化,從依賴大米,小麥和玉米。 發達國家,但是,這是無法作出迅速轉移到農業生態,因為他所謂的“上癮”到工 業,石油為基礎的模式養殖 - 但一個全球性的長期努力轉移到農業生態是必要的。 它援引古巴作為一個例子,如何改變是可能的,因為蘇聯的崩 潰在1991年導致供應農藥和化肥的低價被切斷。產量上升後回落,20世紀 90年代,因為農民採用更環保的方法。